Management of Late Blight of Tomato
Management of Late Blight of Tomato
On tomato, leaf and stem infections are very similar to those on potato. If wet weather continues after the onset of disease, the fruit also becomes infected. The fruit rot is slow developing but eventually destroys the fruit before it ripens. Green fruits harvested in the fall turn black and leathery before they ripen if they were infected in the field.
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Late Blight of Tomato |
Late Blight Management
An integrated approach is essential for successful management of late blight.
1. Avoid planting highly susceptible tomato varieties.
2. Plant only clean, certified seed tomatoes each year. Seeds should be treated with a protectant fungicide containing Haymancozeb (Mancozeb) or Provax to minimize the spread of late blight from infected seeds.
3. Do not over-fertilize or overwater. Dense lush foliage stays wet longer and is more likely to become infected.
4. Avoid using overhead irrigation when possible.
5. Spray Haymencozeb (Mancozeb) or Acrobat MZ (Mancozeb + Dimethomorph) or Ridomil gold (Mancozeb + Metlexil) @4gm/Li or Headline Team (Pyraclostrobin + Dimethomorph) @2.50 gm/Li of water according to severity.
6. In severe stage include Defense 35SC (Carbendazim + Hexaconazole) or Cougar 28SC (Azoxystrobin + Cyproconazole) @ 01ml/Li of water with any one of the above.